Denver Truck Accident Attorneys

Denver Truck Accident Lawyers
Proving liability in a truck accident case can be challenging. Each claim is unique, and there are a number of factors to consider when identifying the liable party (or parties) and determining the kinds of evidence needed to build the strongest case.
Expert Lawyer
Proving liability in a truck accident case can be challenging. Each claim is unique, and there are a number of factors to consider when identifying the liable party (or parties) and determining the kinds of evidence needed to build the strongest case.
Frequently Asked Questions
Trucking companies are required to carry insurance to protect other drivers, and they generally have higher limits than a typical automobile driver. If a truck operates in multiple states certain federal laws and regulations increase the safety standards that truck drivers must follow. Depending on the size of the vehicle, a trucker may need a commercial drivers’ license for which they must complete more extensive training. Finally, trucking insurance companies are notoriously difficult to deal with and generally require the filing of a lawsuit in order to ensure victims are appropriately compensated for their injuries.
Yes. Typically employers are responsible for the actions of their employees while on the job. Pursuing the company in addition to the driver can be helpful in proving a personal injury case.
Collisions involving large trucks can be very complicated and often involve grave injuries. Certain steps should be taken early in these claims to ensure the preservation of any relevant evidence that may otherwise not be available. Again, additional laws and regulations govern the operation of semi-trucks that a qualified lawyer should be aware of. Finally, trucking companies fight hard, and an aggressive, experienced lawyer can better help you get the compensation you deserve.
In our decades of experience we have seen numerous instances of objects flying off the back of trucks causing crashes and injuries. In Colorado, there is no requirement that the semi truck itself make contact with a vehicle in order to maintain a personal injury claim against that truck. If a flying object leads to a crash make sure you notify the police so that the proper parties can be identified and claims can be pursued.